WHO’s Proposed Changes Could Lead to Global Health Tyranny

This is a summary and exploration of the news covered here: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/WHO-IHR-2005-Amendments-and-Pandemic-Treaty.-Rejecting-Monopoly-Power-Over-Global-Public-Health.pdf Recent negotiations for amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a pandemic treaty could lead to a supranational bureaucracy with increased powers for the WHO and its Director-General. These amendments and treaty could replace international collaboration with centralized dictates, stifle dissent, and…

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The Vaccine Debate: Unpacking the Fear, Pseudoscience, and Manipulation Behind It

This is a summary and exploration of the news covered here: https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/manufacturing-of-obedience It’s been a hot topic for decades: the potential link between vaccines and autism. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Joe Scarborough added fuel to the fire in a 2005 MSNBC interview, discussing the presence of Thimerosal in vaccines and its possible connection to…

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Onto These Silver Linings And Build A Better Future Together!

This is a summary and exploration of the news covered here: https://www.freetothrive.com/blog/silver-linings-plandemic/ The Plandemic: A Time for Reflection and Growth The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride for everyone across the globe. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the world was forced to come to a standstill, and people were pushed into isolation. As we…

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Fluoride, Conspiracy Theories, and the Technocratic State – Derrick Broze on The Highwire

In a world where conspiracy theories are becoming the norm, it is critical to distinguish between fact and fiction, especially when it comes to public health and government transparency. Del Bigtree and Derick Broze discussed the ongoing fluoride lawsuit, the suppression of scientific data, and the broader implications for individual freedom in the face of…

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